The Treatment and
Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture held a training workshop titled
"Recognizing Signs of Distress, Mental Health Challenges, and Positive
Coping Mechanisms", with the participation of twenty attendees. The
workshop took place over two days, Wednesday and Thursday, February 26 and 27.
The workshop was led
by the Head of the Treatment Department at the center, Mrs. Manar Arar, along
with psychologist Taline Tobbasi. The training opened with a session led by Mrs.
Manar, who began by introducing mental illnesses, their symptoms, and the
standards of mental health. She then addressed topics such as stress,
psychological trauma, and its types, as well as depression and therapeutic
interventions for positive coping. Additionally, Ms. Taline Tobbasi discussed
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and its application in cases of trauma
This workshop aligns
with the center’s commitment to raising awareness about mental health and
equipping participants with positive coping strategies, contributing to a more
informed and supportive community regarding mental well-being.
The workshop is part
of the "Caring for Caregivers – Supporting the Mental Health and
Well-being of Caregivers in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem"
project, implemented by the Center for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of
Torture Victims and funded by the Belgian government through the Belgian
Development Agency (Enabel).
#PositiveCoping #CenterForTreatmentAndRehabilitationOfTortureVictims #Enabel