Torture is a grave violation of human dignity and integrity, with profound and far-reaching consequences for victims, their families, and society as a whole. Despite Israel and the Palestinian Authority ratifying the United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT) in 1991 and 2014, respectively, both authorities continue to commit human rights violations, including the use of torture, with impunity. These violations occur when laws, policies, or practices deliberately disregard or contravene obligations held by the State, or when the State fails to meet required standards of conduct. Additional violations arise when a State withdraws or diminishes existing human rights protections. Governments have three key obligations related to human rights: to respect, protect, and fulfill them. The failure to perform any of these obligations constitutes a violation of human rights.
The consequences of torture are significant and long-lasting. Survivors often experience severe psychological effects, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia, and other debilitating conditions caused by the violence and intimidation inflicted upon them. These effects can ripple outward, increasing the likelihood that survivors may engage in domestic violence or other destructive behaviors, perpetuating a cycle of violence that can weaken the social fabric over time.
At the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC), we believe that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, torture is still used as a tool for extracting information, punishing dissent, or suppressing opposition. Survivors of torture not only endure lasting physical and psychological trauma but often face stigma, discrimination, and further human rights abuses. By supporting victims of torture, we aim to address this humanitarian crisis, facilitate their healing and rehabilitation, and hold perpetrators accountable. Our advocacy for the rights of torture survivors is part of a broader effort to build a more just and peaceful world, where human rights are upheld, and all individuals are free from fear and oppression.
The TRC is at the forefront of advocating for policy reforms and raising awareness across all sectors of Palestinian society about the right to live free from torture, violence, and ill-treatment. Through grassroots campaigns, national conferences, and educational workshops, we work to promote these rights and build public awareness. In addition to acting as a watchdog, we share our expertise across various platforms, providing capacity-building support to governmental institutions, local and international NGOs, and universities. TRC regularly conducts human rights training, including on gender-based violence, for Palestinian institutions, including the Palestinian Security Forces.
By engaging with these diverse stakeholders, we aim to strengthen the protection of human rights and ensure that all individuals, especially survivors of torture, receive the support, justice, and dignity they deserve.